📢 Platinum Black Friday Sale Ends Friday, November 22nd

Discover Platinum:
A coaching program for women ready to ditch their dieting baggage and finally find FREEDOM from food.

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

Secure Your Spot at the Lowest Price!

Discover Platinum:

A coaching program for women ready to ditch their dieting baggage and finally find FREEDOM from food.

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

You've battled with your unhealthy relationship with eating for SO LONG.

You've tried countless "solutions" to get this area of your life under control...

...only to realize just how much IT controls YOU.

You're left to feel like a failure over. and over. and over again.

You're desperate to break free, but it literally feels like you've tried EVERYTHING.

And yet, you continue to end up where you started:

Miserable, ridden with guilt and shame, and feeling hopeless that you'll ever be able to overcome this monster of an addiction.

That voice whispering all of those things to you...

...come straight out of the mouth of the Father of Lies, and it's time to tell him to BE. QUIET.

Because, Sister, as a woman FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made by the same God who spoke the universe into existence, you are His beloved creation MADE to walk in FREEDOM.

  • Freedom to take JOY in the body AND the life He gave you.
  • Freedom to feel CONFIDENT in your own skin.
  • Freedom FROM your whims, unhealthy habits, and emotional eating.

And while the enemy desires for you to believe ANYTHING BUT that truth, that path to ABUNDANT FREEDOM is possible.

And friend, you DON'T have to walk it alone.


Platinum is a proven, step-by-step program that will guide you away from unhealthy habits, help you heal your relationship with food and your body, and grow stronger in your relationship with the loving God who MADE you.

Join hundreds of women who've gone through the Platinum program and FINALLY be able to:

  • Ditch the guilt and shame that come from "failing" yet another unrealistic diet.
  • Find peace with food through gentle, sustainable shifts in mindset & behavior.
  • Strengthen your relationship with God and open your eyes to the ABUNDANT life He has called you to live.

And you get to do ALL of this within a community where we walk with you and encourage you every step of the way!

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

Platinum is unlike anything you've tried before.

It isn't a diet.

It isn't a meal plan.

It isn't just a "lifestyle change."

It's a gateway to a COMPLETE MINDSET SHIFT that can (and we're confident that it WILL!) change your entire life.

Here's how the proven process in Platinum works...

...and what makes it different from anything you've tried before!

When you pluck out the lies that keep you stuck, you can finally start to see yourself as the Lord does.

And, when you embrace who He made you to be, you start to treat yourself like daughter of the King.

Here are just some of the ways we accomplish that in Platinum:

Build your transformation on the firm foundation of God's Word, from daily Bible study to "how to eat."

To effectively change, we need our efforts to be rooted in The Truth. In Platinum, every habit and lesson start from a place of "What does God's Word say?"

We tend to follow the crowd, believing that losing weight or even "getting healthy" is what will make us happy. But, these goals don't stand up under the pressure of day to day life.

When you uncover goals that matter to you and align with YOUR values, you'll stay motivated, even on the hard days.

Ditch overthinking and "shiny object syndrome" when you follow our systematic approach to food freedom.

The Platinum immersive experience helps you block out the voices of the world and find the peace and joy that comes when you surround yourself with all things true, lovely, and of good report.

Connect with women who understand your struggle and who will support you every step of the way.

Get real-time feedback on our live coaching calls, personalized feedback in our course platform, and priority emails support.

Stop feeling the pressure of performing and embrace grace in the process as your number one job is to "keep showing up!"

It's time to get off that food-crazed, diet-ridden hamster wheel and find peace with food & your body, once and for all!

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.


Get to know some Platinum Grads and see what GOD can do in your life too!

Join a community of women who understand your struggles and who will cheer you on to victory!

See yourself in some of their stories and want to read more? Check out what so many women have to say about their lives after Platinum!

We've intentionally curated EVERY step and resource of this program to help you find lasting, sustainable change.

Our Platinum Coaching Program, starting January 13th, includes:

  • 1 Year Of Access to Content, Coaching, and Support, STARTING JANUARY 13th.
  • Online lessons including video teachings, written text (also available as audio), and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies all directly related to our topic so that you can hear God's direction for YOU.
  • Extensive library of supportive resources (printables, workshops, guides, expert interviews, etc.) purposefully released exactly when you need them.
  • Two group coaching calls each month to connect with like-minded ladies and get real-time feedback
  • Two group study sessions each month to review the content with others 
  • Private Facebook Community to keep you in the loop and connected with the guidance and support you've been longing for.
  • Priority email support for personal coaching so you know that any questions or concerns will be answered quickly.
  • Text message updates so you never miss a gathering, and motivational messages that come at just the right time.
    (text messages may not be available to all international students) 

Here's a closer look at some of our favorite resources inside of Platinum:

Your year-long access to everything (including content, coaching, support, and more!) gives you the time and space you need to solidify your transformation. Plus real-time communication with the Grace Filled Plate team and community members.

The online video teachings, written text (also available as audio), and written assignments will help you transform your heart AND renew your mind. They're all easily accessible and organized in an online platform.

Strengthen your Walk and find a consistent Bible study routine with our custom-created printable Bible studies. These Scripture studies directly relate to our topic of finding freedom from food so that you can hear God's direction specifically to you.

Our robust library or resources, including printables, workshops, guides, expert interviews, etc. will help you accelerate your journey. They're curated just for you and released exactly when you need them.

Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls & Two Group Study Sessions to connect you with like-minded ladies and get real-time feedback (plus the option to replay the calls if you need to!).

Private Facebook Community, Priority Email Support, and Text Message Updates to keep you in the loop and connected with the guidance and support you've been longing for.

(Text messages may not be available to all international students.)

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

I know this program can CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

I've taken what I learned after I made that leap to grace, and trained/coached hundreds of women for over 15 years, helping them find peace with food as they reach their true goals.

I can't wait to help you find your path to that same freedom inside of Platinum.

I know what it feels like to be stuck like superglue in unhealthy eating patterns...

I longed to glorify God in every part of my life, and yet was utterly puzzled with how to bring Him into my diet drama.

After struggling with all-or-nothing eating for over a decade, I decided to try the thing that scared me the most– surrender my struggles to God and accept His GRACE.

And let me tell you, it has been AH-MAZE-ing...

Our Platinum members are proof that change IS POSSIBLE.

After 20+ years of yo-yo dieting, Erin ended the vicious diet-cyle and started losing weight again in just 6 months!

Erin also said she's been more consistent with reading her Bible and prayer time - the scale is no longer the dictator of her mood!

After 30+ years of emotional eating and weight gain, Lisa lost the fear, guilt, and shame associated with her body, and became equipped to finally take good care of herself. She's felt freer to walk in the Spirit instead of following her desires for food!

After decades of dieting, negative body image and preoccupation with food, through Platinum, Marge found a peace and serenity that she'd never known before (which she still enjoys 3 years later).

Want to hear more about the freedom & transformation women have experienced in their Platinum Journey?

So, exactly how does that transformation happen?

The Grace Path is our proven process that walks you, step-by-step through an inside-out transformation so that you can uproot the reasons why you turned to food in the first place and replace restrictive eating for self-care.

We'll help you do this through 3 main steps:

Most diets start from a place of deficit - what you don't like about yourself and what you don't have. We begin from a place of grace and gratitude where you toss your diet baggage and celebrate who God created you to be.

Then, with a renewed mind, we take a look at your goals and align them with your values so that you can stay motivated, even on hard days. You'll learn all about habit change and apply some life-changing tweaks to your daily routines.

Now that you've created new routines and mindsets around "how to eat" and you've made some small shifts, we'll dive more deeply into the ins & outs of eating and learn how to fuel yourself well, for life.

Because other programs try to apply a Band-Aid to the problem and don't approach these changes systematically, the root issue is never addressed, minds are never renewed, and women constantly set themselves up for failure.

Instead, the G.R.A.C.E. P.A.T.H. is a HOLISTIC, LASTING method that has FINALLY helped hundreds of women find their breakthrough and discover long-lasting food-freedom on the other side.

Here's what your journey through the GRACE PATH will look like:

Platinum is like nothing else you've ever experienced, because it’s the full path that leads to lasting, sustainable change.

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

My story may be a lot like yours.

My food struggles all began with a diet. Yours probably did too.

The first diet I went on, I followed like a rockstar. I weighed and measured my food and body, obsessively.

But, any progress I did have was short-lived as the restrictions soon started to backfire into overeating– my adherence and self-control weakened with each and every new plan.

I tried "healthy lifestyles," intuitive eating, and Christian weight-loss programs. Nothing worked.

I felt helpless, frustrated and exhausted, convinced that my "stop eating" button was broken.

I needed something more. I needed a miracle.

In the past, I asked God to help me with my overeating struggles, to deliver me out of my trouble. But I'd never invited Him to lead me out.

When I took that big step of faith, that one I am asking you to do by joining Platinum, everything changed.

His grace and mercy loved me out of overeating as I healed from the inside out. And He can do the same for you.

Platinum takes the truths and lessons I have learned and puts them into an step-by-step format that has helped hundreds of women find greater peace with food.

Platinum has all you need to gain food freedom and God-confidence.

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.


"I’m no longer a slave to eating all the sweets or all the fried foods anymore because I can have them whenever I want."


"There is actual balance in my life! My brain has room to think about other things besides obsessively thinking about food."


"Food is “just food “now. I enjoy the taste and texture. I’m nourished physically–the shame around food is (mostly) quieted and put to rest."

Platinum has helped change the lives of SO many women. Will you be the next?!

Believe us: you're not alone in this struggle.

We asked our students what life was like before Platinum and after they went through the program.

Here's just some of what they had to say:

Join Platinum today and you can DELIGHT in your "after story," too!

Remember, you don't have to journey alone...Get started with Platinum!


  • 1 Year of Access To Content, Coaching, and Support, STARTING JANUARY 13th.
  • Online lessons: video teaching, written text (also as audio) and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies
  • Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Brandice
  • Two Monthly Group Study Sessions
  • Text Message Updates & Encouragement
  • Priority Email Support
  • Lifetime Access to Our Private Facebook Coaching Community

Program Start Date: January 13th, 2025
Today’s Price: $97, then $47/month for 11 months (starting February 2025), securing one-year access.

Join Now for Pre-Program Bonuses:

  • Two live coaching calls in December for early support
  • Gift card for Chew the Word Bible Study—perfect for the holidays
  • New Year’s Intention-Setting Workshop on January 4th

Enroll today to take advantage of this exclusive pricing and bonuses!

When you choose our Deluxe Package, AT CHECKOUT, you'll also get an exclusive Welcome Kit shipped right to your door! 🎉

Order the Deluxe Package AT CHECKOUT, and here's what you can expect inside Your Welcome Kit:

  • A 400+ page printed workbook. Get all of your Platinum Guidebooks printed, hole-punched, and shipped to your door so you're ready to go!
  • A custom bracelet you can wear as a reminder of the grace available to you.
  • A custom Journal, “Notes From The Grace Path,” to use as you journey through Platinum.

Who doesn't love some snail mail?! 👏

Our hope is that these physical items - delivered straight to your door - make it even easier for you to progress on your journey to food freedom!

This all sounds great, but I'm still a bit unsure that Platinum will work for me...

I know, yet ANOTHER program? Will this ACTUALLY work for me?

Let us help you see why we're confident that Platinum is the transformative solution you've been longing for.

You've spent so much of your life, emotions, AND money on conquering what seems to be a never-ending battle with food. You're exhausted from constantly spending your resources on "solutions" that just. aren't. working.

We get it, which is why we've taken it to heart to create a program that helps you to FINALLY invest in something that WORKS. We're confident that you'll find real, sustainable, life-giving changes in the Platinum program!

We've had hundreds of women, just like you, find lasting change through our unique approach.

Our step-by-step process, personalized coaching, and supportive community truly set you up for success and ensure you're never alone on this journey! We know the fear of failing AGAIN is real, but we're so grateful to help you overcome that fear and help you TRULY step into a sustainable, life-changing transformation, once and for all! (You can read more of these transformation stories HERE.)

We get it - life is BUSY. Our program is 100% designed for you to go at your own pace - you need the investment of time and space to heal and adopt habits that stick.

Plus, just think about ALL THE TIME you're going to get back when you can finally redirect your focus from food onto other things in your life that bring you joy!

Diet, weight loss, and meal planning programs focus on the practical, but they don't get to the heart of the matter. Faith-based approaches often forget how to help you actually implement the steps you need to take to see the transformation you're longing for. Our program does BOTH.

We focus FIRST on the heart of the matter, and then approach those practical steps of habit changes, nutrition, and goal-setting from a biblical perspective.

This isn’t just another weight loss program. While many of the women who've gone through our program do experience weight loss, our primary focus is on HEALING your relationship with food and your body, leading to the sustainable, lifelong transformation you've sought for so long!

(And what the vast majority of our customers have been so relieved to share in their testimonials about their experience!)

Other programs tend to focus on one of two polarizing sides: a focus on food OR a focus on spirit. We focus on BOTH. We help you discover how healthy changes can come from a place of self-care, rather than restriction, and help you make better choices.

In your Platinum Journey, you'll uncover the real reasons why you turn to food and learn how to Biblically meet those needs so that food no longer calls your name. AND, how to focus on YOUR goals & motivations rather than the arbitrary ones of a one-size-fits-all program.

We truly can't wait to help you find that freedom and fulfillment you've spent years of your life trying to find!

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

Still Have Questions?

Here Are Answers To a Few Questions I Often Get:

I can't wait to join-- how much does Platinum cost?

We have two tiers with two payment options each:

  • Our Deluxe option includes a welcome package and exclusive gifts for a one-time payment of $997 or 6 monthly payments of $197.
  • Our Digital-only option is where you'll print your "Guidebooks" at home for a one-time payment of $697 or 6 monthly payments of $137.

Brandice, I've seen the incredible success stories but I've lost hope...could this really work for me?

Yes, ma'am!

Whether you're still on the "diet hamster wheel" or you've waved the white flag and are now regularly covered in powdered sugar, it's for ONE reason...not having a clear path to follow.

Hopping from diet to diet or abandoning self-control completely does not work.

Neither does trying to "fix" the food by making it have less calories, less carbs, or less fat, only to re-discover that the food is not the problem.

When you join Platinum, you'll start walking the GRACE PATH - 9 purposeful steps that will have you walking with more and more freedom every day!

I really want to do this, Brandice, but I've spent so much on diets-- What can I share with my husband to help him see this as an investment?

We've all had our share of "can I do this diet program?" conversations with our spouses.

Sometimes, failed "attempts" can make it really hard (and make you feel really vulnerable) to ask again.

The first step is to stop comparing Platinum to your previous diet attempts, "Christian" or otherwise.

The true value in Platinum is less about the scale and more about your quality of life.

  • Would it be of value to you to have a wife who is less stressed, more joyful, content, and more comfortable in her own skin?
  • What is it worth to end the negative self-talk that shortens your fuse and leaves you mentally unavailable at the end of the day?

Platinum will change your life and your health…

But it's not a diet. Not even close. 

As Veronica said:

"Only God, through Platinum, could be responsible for essentially wiping out 30 years of ingrained behavior in just a few months."

Also, you'll get 12 MONTHS' ACCESS to the Platinum lessons and coaching on the Course Platform for added support as you need it.

I have a really busy life, Brandice...will Platinum fit in my schedule?

I hear you on this one, sis. Let's start by talking about how much time and energy you spend trying to manage your food thoughts and behaviors. The sheer mental drain is enough to cause inefficiencies in so many areas of life, and the ripple effect can be exponential.

Having "what to do" laid out for you will free up that time and space. Whew! 

Platinum is a comprehensive program that's going to take time to complete, and we encourage you to go at your own pace. Between the online lessons and Bible study content, you can expect to spend about 2+ hours a week on your coursework. You may invest more or less time.

Remember where those "surface solutions" got you? Platinum promises to get to the root of the struggle so that you can pluck that root out. And while that may require some focus now…

Think about how much FREE time you'll have in the near future!

One more time, can you tell me everything that I get?

You got it!


Inside Platinum, you'll get:

  • 1 Year Of Access To Content, Coaching, and Support including real-time communication with the Grace Filled Plate team and community members
  • Online lessons including video teachings, written text (also available as audio), and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies all directly related to our topic so that you can hear God's direction for YOU.
  • A Library of Resources (printables, workshops, guides, expert interviews, etc.) released exactly when you need them.
  • Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Brandice where you can connect with like-minded ladies and get real-time feedback.
  • Two Monthly Group Study Sessions where you can review the content with others
  • Text Message Updates, so you never miss a gathering and motivational messages that come at just the right time. (Text messages may not be available to all international students.)
  • Priority Email Support
  • Private Facebook Coaching Community

...and I'll be there to guide you 100% of the way! 🙌

Remember, friend. You are NOT what you eat.

You're so much more than that.

Your worth isn't defined by the food you consume. By the failures you've had. By the battles you've faced with eating.

You're a woman, made in the image of God, created to live in FREEDOM and use the gifts He has given you to live a life of JOY.

We'll walk WITH you on this journey of breaking the chains of food addiction and step into a life of FREEDOM.

Ready to get started?

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.

It really is YOUR time to walk in the freedom that God has for you.

Just imagine how much more time you'd have if you didn't spend SO much of it on obsessing over food.

If you’re tired of thinking about food from the moment you wake up, or binge eating while you tell yourself that you’ll be good tomorrow (but tomorrow never comes)...

Then it’s time to end the exhausting “food fight” and find relief.

It’s time to let food be “just food” so that you have the mental, emotional, and physical energy you need to pursue the dreams God has placed in your heart.

It’s time to finally write the book, research the business, or start the ministry.

If an obsession with what to eat and what you weigh is holding you back…


Ready for this PROVEN program to help you change from the inside out, ONCE AND FOR ALL?

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you join our Platinum cohort, starting January 13th:

  • 1 Year Of Access to Content, Coaching, and Support, STARTING JANUARY 13th.
  • Online lessons including video teachings, written text (also available as audio), and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies all directly related to our topic so that you can hear God's direction for YOU.
  • Extensive library of supportive resources (printables, workshops, guides, expert interviews, etc.) purposefully released exactly when you need them.
  • Two group coaching calls each month to connect with like-minded ladies and get real-time feedback
  • Two group study sessions each month to review the content with others 
  • Private Facebook Community to keep you in the loop and connected with the guidance and support you've been longing for.
  • Priority email support for personal coaching so you know that any questions or concerns will be answered quickly.
  • Text message updates so you never miss a gathering, and motivational messages that come at just the right time.(text messages may not be available to all international students)

Program Start Date: January 13th, 2025
Today’s Price: $97, then $47/month for 11 months (starting February 2025), securing one-year access.

Join Now for Pre-Program Bonuses:

  • Two live coaching calls in December for early support
  • Gift card for Chew the Word Bible Study—perfect for the holidays
  • New Year’s Intention-Setting Workshop on January 4th

Enroll today to take advantage of this exclusive pricing and bonuses!

When you ADD-ON the Platinum Deluxe package AT CHECKOUT, you'll also get these items in your Welcome Kit shipped straight to your door:

  • A 400+ page printed workbook. Get all of your Platinum Guidebooks printed and shipped to your door so you're ready to go!
  • A custom bracelet you can wear as a reminder of the grace available to you.
  • A custom Journal, “Notes From The Grace Path,” to use as you journey through Platinum

Ready to trade your guilt & shame for freedom and joy?!

Join TODAY at our lowest price.
Secure exclusive BONUSES.
Start in January.