Platinum has helped change the lives of 100s of women.

Will you be the next?!

Want to learn more about the details of the Platinum program?


Ready to dive in and allow Platinum to change your life, too?!



Many of our Platinum students have told us that this program has changed their lives.

Believe us when we tell you - we don't take these words lightly! We are so thankful for the impact this program has made on so many, and we can't wait to help you on your journey, too!

"Just when I think it can't get better or touch me more, it does! Such a gentle process and yet so much strength to appropriate. Pointing me to Jesus at every turn. EVERY turn. Nothing has impacted me as much in a number of years.

The shame I've lived with since childhood is ebbing away. I'm hungry for His Word more than I have been in years. My gratitude practice, already a part of my life for a very long time seems to be deepening and I'm seeing things to thank Him for that I never noticed before."

- Micki K.

"Platinum has seriously brought me to tears. I never would have thought 6 months ago that I could or would do that.

The "food chatter" is virtually gone, my desire is to nourish and fuel my body, rather than give in to impulse.

While I still would like to lose fat, it is no where near the priority it once was and does not consume my every thought.

I would absolutely recommend this program!"

- Tracey B.

"I am feeling greatly encouraged. I experienced true repentance this week. Thank You, Holy Spirit!

I’ve stop bingeing, this is a miracle answer to prayer.

I feel real, honest hope that God is using this program to change my heart. He has already changed my goal from weight loss to being closer, so much closer to Him.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude, especially for grace and courage to do this program. Thank you for offering this program."

- Elaine Z.

"Platinum is a gift from God to me.

I am thinking with more clarity, focus on our Lord, changing my thoughts, not staying stuck trying to fix things myself. I realize I have poor thinking habits in just about every area of my life.

It has been a life changer for me!"

- Nancy C.

"I love Platinum! Brandice, God has definitely blessed you with some wonderful insight that will bless many! You have brought up several things that I thought I was the only one struggling with.

I truly believe that Platinum is a God send to me."

- Sue Anne S.

"God used my struggles with food and body image to show me that I am loved by Him. I am now more mindful of the food I eat because I want to please the Father. I no longer look in the mirror and wince at the sight of my reflection, because I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My life is much different now. I am more grateful and appreciative of my blessings than I used to be. I smile more now!"

- Stacey L.

"I've distilled my lessons learning into one word -- Peace.

I certainly didn't have peace with food, eating, or myself before I started along the Grace Path. I learned I wasn't operating in Grace at all. And I definitely had a different image about how God felt about me. I imagined him being disappointed and even punishing me over my failures with food.

That's not at all what I experienced along the Grace Path.

In fact, it's the grace I experienced and his love and the love shown by you that transformed me. I'm amazed at the difference this has had on my life and I'm so excited that I have a hope for the future that I didn't have when I got here. I had prayed in desperation for a supernatural solution to my food and diet obsession and that's what I got. God is so good to have revealed this ministry to me.

Brandice this is absolutely your calling and your faithful obedience and dedication to it are changing so many lives. Thank you so much. I have such PEACE with food now."

- Kelly Ann

Hear what some Platinum Grads have to say and see what GOD can do in your life too!


Diets never worked for Lisa - she felt trapped.

But, she says that "Life after Platinum is fabulous!" - after years of struggle, she's so much more at peace!


After Platinum, Jennifer says she has peace with her food choices and she feels closer to the Lord more so than she ever has!


Raven says, "I feel more disciplined and I have boundaries–And not just with food, but with other areas of my life!"
She loved learning how Platinum does amazing job of constantly pointing students back to God's Word.


Jodi says that after Platinum, her life is so much more balanced. She has a deeper sense of peace about food...which is a peace she's never had before in her life!


Tina says "I have hope!" Tina now has new patterns and new ways to fulfill herself outside of food.


Stephanie says "I'm so much more at peace. I feel that I am living authentically. I'm living with integrity and I'm walking in wisdom, now."


Karen says "I feel amazing–I've lowered my A1C levels. I exercise on a regular basis, and I'm eating a lot more healthy food. My relationship with God has changed dramatically!"


Veronica says "I have a lot of peace around food that I hadn't previously had. I can quite happily have the food in the fridge or the freezer and forget about it, which has NEVER happened to me! My life is completely different now!"


Marge shares how she used to think about food and dieting 24/7 until the Lord set her free through Grace Filled Plate Platinum.


Allison says: "Platinum is one of the most valuable things I've ever purchased, if not the most valuable thing I've ever purchased. It changed my life!"

Join a community of women who understand your struggles and who will cheer you on to victory!

Want to learn more about the details of the Platinum program?

Ready to dive in and allow Platinum to change your life, too?!


While Platinum isn't a diet or weight loss program, because of the mindset shifts & habits we help our students form, many of them have seen their health improve and have even shed some of those pounds they've been holding onto for years!

Platinum students also acknowledge that the program helps them become much more in tune with their body & revive so much of their energy because of an appreciation for REST and nutrition!

"Platinum saved my life - my health, sanity, mended a broken spirit.

I have normal BMI for the first time in years (a decade of struggle). I had an annual doctor visit with all normal values of bloodwork & an agreement with my doctor that I am at a good & healthy weight."

- Annamarie D.

"[Because of Platinum], I'm much happier and content as far as food and eating. I've had a 24 pound weight loss during the course of the program - still a long way to go but now that it is no longer the focus I am actually finding it easier to build in the habits to get me to a healthy weight in the long term."

- Michelle A.

"My life has been so positively impacted by this program and I have lost 13lbs slowly over time which is a blessing.

More importantly the biblical principles and spiritual focus has gotten me through the toughest journey I’ve faced, caring for my mom.

I believe my habits are now sustainable and I have the tools to keep moving forward. I have appreciated the coaching and support I have received through the calls and chats."

- Deb S.

My heart feels lighter. I even stopped overeating and pushed food away when enjoying an amazing meal the other day! I am a work in progress, but I see tiny bits of progress.

I'm becoming more in-tuned with little signals my body is telling me - especially if I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed and want to turn to a snack.

I'm feeling more confident in my skin - I'm accepting that God has made me beautiful, just the way I am. He has been so incredibly patient with me as I am learning to let go of old habits and building new ones....not the easiest thing to do!

- Dana R.

"Platinum has been a wonderful experience helping me with my walk with the Lord. My view of food and meals has completely changed.

I have more energy, less shame and more joy. God is shining His favor and grace on my changes with food. He is granting me wisdom to know when hungry or full and understand how different foods impact my energy levels.

He has comforted me and helped me turn to Him, music and dancing instead of sweets."

- Jessica F.

"I feel so relieved that I no longer need to look for the next diet! I can approach all foods with the knowledge that there are no good and bad foods. I don't have to run and eat in private or hide food. I can enjoy all foods in moderation without any guilt or shame.

I feel free! I am actually craving healthier foods, and letting my body rest when I need the sleep. I am listening to my body and following its cues to tell me what I need. I no longer listen to what social media tells me is right or wrong, or what my body size must be."

- Nicole D.

"Grace Filled Plate Platinum has brought me closer to God and helped me turn to Him instead of food for comfort.

I love the support from all the women in the group, and feel comfortable sharing when I am struggling. I love having freedom to make food choices that work for me, and the habits I have built and am building really make a difference in my overall life.

Having peace about food is priceless.

Before Platinum, I was hiding food from my husband, I kept bottles of soda under my desk and poured them into a mug, so it looked like I was drinking tea, not soda. I was using my credit card at the soda and snack machines at work multiple times a day.

Boredom, tiredness, irritation all caused cravings. I felt I could not get it under control. I would for a few weeks, but then I'd sleep poorly and only Coca Cola could perk me up, and then I'd have two or three of them and not sleep that night, and it became a vicious cycle.

Now, I pray so much more and in different ways than before. I try to turn to God when I am struggling instead of food, and most of the time it works. I think having these struggles has shown me how much I needed to learn about God and to truly dig deeper in my bible reading and my prayer.

I know food won't make me feel better. It won't take away my frustration or boredom. I also have learned that there are no good or bad foods, and eating things in moderation is always a good bet.

As for my body, I don't look in the mirror and see the "fat" anymore. Instead I see a body that God created and that I am the caretaker of. I turn to God so much more, and for more things than ever. I thank him for specifics each day, not just "for all you've done.'"

- Jodi W.

Want to learn more about the details of the Platinum program?

Ready to dive in and allow Platinum to change your life, too?!


Through this program, we don't just seek to help you tame your cravings or reset your focus - our intention is to help you find TRUE freedom. Not just FROM your eating habits, but freedom IN Christ - in all that HE is and all that He calls YOU to be as His daughter!

So many of our students have struggled for years...if not overcome their battles with food. It is our joy when they tell us that they finally have HOPE that they can break free from their chains!

"This program is helpful to overcoming your enslavement to food/yourself by getting strength and guidance from God.

Internal freedom is much more rewarding than outward appearance."

- Kris C.

"I feel hopeful. I feel encouraged. I feel lighter. God is answering with his Peace.

It is no longer just about the food or my body. It is learning how to give my all to God, and receiving His blessings."

- Gail W.

"I know God will bring changes in me far more than what I came to Platinum expecting.

He has given me a huge hunger for His word and memorization. I don’t feel defeated by my past failures. I am also seeing a turning more to God in my relationship with my husband which has been a very long time prayer."

- Wendy M.

"I am amazed at how much better I feel after such a short amount of time, as well as the much better choices I am making. The incredible freedom of having all food be clean and no morality attached to any of it is mind blowing.

God has given me clarity, reframed memories, is healing me, and helping my relationship with food.

Best money I've ever spent. Thank you so much for your truly transformational program. :)"

- Kristine

"I'm so happy I joined Platinum. I was unsure if I should try yet ANOTHER plan. Approaching health and weight loss from the perspective of grace rather than works in my own strength is freeing and I feel hopeful!

I have been choosing healthier foods and leaving the junky snacks because I WANT TO--not because of dieting rules. This is a huge victory that God has worked in my heart and mind. I am not by any means totally consistent with this yet, but I feel like I have tasted the food freedom and I can see it from here. So much hope is found in this mindset change."

- Lisa M.

"I love the approach of small habit changes. I have never been involved with a program that has so much support, feedback, encouragement and community. It's amazing.

The curriculum is so in-depth. So much thought, experiences and research has gone into this program. Brandice definitely has a heart for helping others. It's so much more than just about losing weight.

I am not obsessing over food like I was. I use to think about it 24/7 and now I am finding that I am not as worried about what to eat."

- Sue H.

“My life has been a constant rollercoaster between overeating and weight loss.

In 2017, I joined a popular weight loss program (again), where I faithfully attended meetings, lost weight, and then began working for the program.

Just after hitting my goal weight in 2020, I was hit with the devastating news of breast cancer. The months that followed were filled with surgeries, treatments, and countless doctor appointments, leaving me feeling more disconnected from and uncomfortable in my body than ever before.

I hit a low point when despite knowing all the "right things" to do, my weight started creeping back up. I was teaching others how to maintain healthy habits, yet I couldn't seem to apply them to myself. It felt like a constant battle with self-control!

Each time, the aftermath of overeating was a tidal wave of shame, guilt, and embarrassment. It was a vicious cycle that seemed impossible to break.
But amidst the struggle, I found a glimmer of hope in 2023 when I stumbled upon Grace Filled Plate. It was like a lifeline being thrown to me in the midst of a storm. Through the Platinum coaching program and the Chew the Word Bible studies, I began to see real change in my life.

I found peace with food, something I never (EVER) thought possible. I let go of the strict rules, and started to embrace a more balanced approach to eating. Now, I’m more kind to myself (grace), and I’m feeling more comfortable in my own skin - grateful for all that God has created my body to do for me. And, the scale is trending downwards - I don’t feel stuck anymore!

I’m so grateful I took this step! If I hadn't, I imagine I'd still be doing the same thing, over and over again, and maybe even feeling worse than ever. What a true answer to prayer the Platinum coaching program has been, from addressing my food issues and how I think about myself, to growing deeper roots into God’s Word.

But the real transformation happened within myself– I began to show myself kindness and grace, letting go of the shame and guilt that had plagued me for so long!”

- Erin B.

Want to learn more about the details of the Platinum program?

Ready to dive in and allow Platinum to change your life, too?!

Remember, you don't have to journey alone. Find your tribe today with Platinum.

Choose your best membership option:

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 1 Year of Access To Content, Coaching, and Support
  • Online lessons: video teaching, written text (also as audio) and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies
  • Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Brandice
  • Two Monthly Group Study Sessions
  • Text Message Updates & Encouragement
  • Priority Email Support
  • Lifetime Access to Our Private Facebook Coaching Community

Here’s what’s included in the Welcome Package:

  • 400+ Page Printed Workbook
  • Custom Bracelet
  • Custom Journal
  • Mid-Course Gift
I want  Platinum DIGITAL!



Get The Full 12 Months Access PLUS Our Exclusive Welcome Package Shipped Directly to Your Door!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 1 Year of Access To Content, Coaching, and Support
  • Online lessons: video teaching, written text (also as audio) and written assignments.
  • Chew the Word Bible Studies
  • Two Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Brandice
  • Two Monthly Group Study Sessions
  • Text Message Updates & Encouragement
  • Priority Email Support
  • Lifetime Access to Our Private Facebook Coaching Community

Here’s what’s included in the Welcome Package:

  • 400+ Page Printed Workbook
  • Custom Bracelet
  • Custom Journal
  • Mid-Course Gift

*US Residents Only. International students, email for a quote.



So here’s picture of me with my binder with all things Platinum, where I'm truly excited (I’m not faking it girls–I was even surprised by that smile. I hadn’t seen it in a while).

So excited and hopeful–I’ve decided to share with any of you girls who might be still wondering whether joining the platinum group is for you or not( it’s a little long, but i hope I’ll make it worth your while)

Let me tell you why: I’ve just joined the Platinum group and watched the introductory video that preps us for what’s coming ahead in a few more weeks.

Let me share a few things:

  • First of all, it already starts off different from any other diet or approach I’ve ever tried…
  • Its definitely not your “mother’s kind of diet” (I remember a grapefruit and cottage cheese one my mom and grandmother did).
  • It’s not any of the current “trendy” diets out there either (many of which I’ve tried and failed miserably at or read the whole book and that was the closest I got to completing the diet).
  • It doesn’t start with a list of what to get rid of in your pantry or a supermarket list with all the dark greens you're going to need to buy to start the detox phase! That’s always exciting,’s not anymore.

Platinum doesn’t start anything like that…and if you are like me and sick and tired of all the diets, but still struggling with food and body issues, that’s already different in itself.

Platinum is a faith based program. It starts with an invitation to pray over the next 2 weeks in preparation. In reality, you already sense that this sets the tone for what’s to come and that it’s not about a final destination (i.e., simply weight loss), but that it’s a journey of transformation of our minds and hearts (It’s not just about our bodies, girls!!) and you don’t do it alone! (I’m a health professional and while I support many people, I’ve yet to figure out a way to do “surgery” on myself. )

And there’s more, because I don’t know about you ladies, but I need guidance, the kind of concrete, “baby step” guidelines that give me a sense of direction as to where I am at, where I’m going and how to get there. The Platinum program is definitely that!!

So in addition to the prayer invitation, you’ll also receive a map- just like the kind you get when you go to a national park- which offers an overview of all the different nature trails, rest stops and camping areas etc…

Therefore, in a nutshell, this program is for “like minded women” like you and me, who have done everything “out there” and who are ready to adventure out of their comfort zones, out of what the world says is the solution for our eating, for our lives and our bodies and surrender ourselves completely to the same God who is already Lord of our salvation. I know no other way.

So yes, I’m truly excited and already amazed at what you, Brandice and Ginger, have put together for me and other women.

Thank you!

- Natalie V.

Want to learn more about the details of the Platinum program?

Ready to dive in and allow Platinum to change your life, too?!