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Before you go... Take your first step toward food freedom with this ONE-TIME offer:  

Chew the Word 30-day Bible study for food freedom

Introducing Chew the Word: A 30-Day Scripture Study for Food Freedom.  

A step-by-step Bible study that'll show you how to find YOUR "how to eat" in the pages of God's Word.  

Join over 4,000 women who are finding more comfort and joy in Bible (and less in the refrigerator). 

Grab your study for ONLY $9 (normally $12.97) when you grab it in the next hour!


You know that the answer to ALL your struggles (including how you eat) are found in the Word of God, but you're puzzled by how to actually apply these truths.  

You wonder...what does it look like to:  

  • Eat for the glory of God?
  • Honor your body, His temple?
  • Put on the armor of God when faced with a double-decker brownie sundae?

It's not for lack of trying. In fact, you've tried to "FIX" your eating struggles with a DIET more times than you can count.  

You're exhausted and your hope is wearing thin....  

It's time to reach for THE SOLUTION-- the Word of God.  

CHEW THE WORD is a simple and yet powerful scripture study that will teach you how to find God's will for your eating from day one!  

You'll find yourself no longer wavering as you feel confident (and excited!) about the direction the Holy Spirit has spoken to you.

Changing your habits will be joyful as your focus moves from self-denial to glorifying your Creator and honoring Him with your actions. 

Chew the Word 30-day Bible study for food freedom

Here's what you'll get inside this Chew the Word Scripture Study:  

  • A detailed "how to" study guide with examples, so that you can jump in with both feet! 
  • 30 weekday study sheets with purposefully selected scriptures that speak directly to your food struggles
  • 6 Weekly Reflections that will highlight the voice and direction of the Holy Spirit in your eating, so that you don't forget to remember what He's telling you. 

Hi, I'm Brandice! 

I know what it feels like to be stuck like superglue in my unhealthy eating patterns...longing to glorify God in every part of my life, yet utterly puzzled with how to bring Him into my diet drama

After struggling to create a resource on overeating for months (ever have those hard-headed moments?), I finally gave up and tucked the files away to a still undisclosed location. 

The very next day, the LORD gave me Chew the Word in minutes and...it's been transforming lives ever since! 

Download this God-inspired study today and let's see what God can do! 

Get your discount before it's gone!

Chew the Word 30-day Bible study for food freedom

Isn't it time to stop listening to the confusing, conflicting, cRazY-making voices of the world and tune into God's guidance for YOU? 

Chew the Word: A 30-Day Scripture Study for Food Freedom will help you glean spiritual and practical truths from the Bible so that you can quit questioning every bite and find peace with food

Grab your study in the next hour for ONLY $9 (40% off)!
