Surprisingly Simple Overeating Solutions!

This FREE guide reveals the 10 reasons we that you can win the battle once and for all!

10 reasons why you can't stop overeating
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Walk free from overeating when you:

  • Discover the 10 ways overeating can unexpectedly sneak up on you...and then address the root cause (rather than trying to "fix" the food).
  • Learn the 3 stages of overeating temptation and how you can intervene at each and every step!
  • Stop feeling guilty about overeating by embracing God's GRACE, and put that precious energy into making the changes you've been longing for!
  • The #6 cause of overeating will really surprise you, but addressing it makes a BIG difference!


Don't let another day go by feeling powerless to stop overeating...

Get to the heart of the matter and find PEACE with food!

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10 reasons why you can't stop overeating

Here's what's inside your FREE "10 Reasons Why You Can't Stop Overeating" guide:

  • A 10-page guide that'll walk you through the 10 most common reasons we overeat (and what to do about it).
  • A plan to "Diagnose" the source of your struggles and tackle it with our simple (and doable!) action steps.
  • Hand-picked Bible verses to strengthen you when you're feeling weak.
  • Printable, portable cards to tuck in a wallet or post where it needs to be seen :)

Hi, I'm Brandice! 

I know what it feels like to be stuck like superglue in my unhealthy eating patterns...longing to glorify God in every part of my life, yet utterly puzzled with how to bring Him into my eating drama

It wasn't until I addressed the TRUE need that my struggles began to turn around.

This "10 Reasons Why You Can't Stop Overeating" download will show YOU how to do the same!